The Swimming Pool Shop – yOuR oNe StOp PoOl ShOp The Swimming Pool Shop (Pty) Ltd Home & Garden

Waterwell – Ultra-Chlor-2.5 kg


Ultra-Chlor Granular Chlorine is a fast dissolving, stabilised chlorine for sanitising and clarifying swimming pool water. Ultra-Chlor has a pH of around 6 and therefore has considerably less effect on water balance (pH & amp; Total Alkalinity) than do other types of chlorine. Ultra-Chlor does not contain calcium. Dosage and Directions for use: Initial Dosage: 100g per 10 000L of pool water Maintenance Dosage: Summer: Add 30g – 50g per 10 000L of pool water every second day or as required to maintain 1 – 3ppm of chlorine. Winter: Add 15g – 20g per 10 000L of pool water every second to third day or as required to maintain 1 – 3ppm of chlorine. Shock Treatment Dosage: 100g per 10 000L of pool water. Algae Infestation: 100g per 10 000L of pool water. Use in conjunction with an algaecide.

  The Swimming Pool Shop (Pty) Ltd Home & Garden